Mouse Garden

Thursday, 12 March, 2009

How to Root Plant Cuttings

Filed under: Uncategorized — Admin @ 14:58

How to Root Plant Cuttings

Rooting materials

Clean, coarse, construction-grade sand is suitable for rooting many cuttings. It is also excellent mixed with an equal volume of peat moss.

Vermiculite is a lightweight material used for rooting. It holds water well and promotes fine root growth.

Perlite is another excellent propagation material. It is lightweight and provides good aeration for rooting. Perlite makes one of the best rooting materials when mixed with an equal volume of peat moss.

Don’t use field soil as a rooting medium. It packs too tightly under wet conditions and is prone to develop diseases.

Compressed peat pellets are available for seeding and can also be used for rooting cuttings. They expand rapidly when soaked in water. Place them in plastic bags after soaking and draining; insert a single cutting in each pellet and close the bag at the top. No additional watering is necessary until the cutting is rooted and the bag opened.


Pots, medium and equipment used for rooting cuttings must be clean and sterile. Pots should be washed thoroughly using a household cleaner and disinfectant. Tools also should be washed in the same solution or dipped in alcohol. Any rooting medium which is not known to be sterile can be moistened and heated thoroughly in an oven at 150 to 200 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes. Normally, peat moss, vermiculite and perlite don’t need sterilization when new.

Inserting the cutting

Promptly place the prepared cutting in the rooting material; stick the base of the cutting 1 or 2 inches deep, depending on the length of the cutting. Firm the material around the base and settle the medium by watering.

Care of cuttings

Never allow the propagation medium to dry out during the rooting process.

Since the cuttings have no root system, a high humidity must be maintained around them at all times. Clear plastic is inexpensive and easy to use for covering the cuttings. A plastic bag slipped over a pot is simple and airtight. Support the plastic with wire loops or stakes if need be to keep it from resting on the leaves.

Never place a plastic-covered container in direct sunlight. Too much heat will build up under the plastic and burn the foliage.

Care of rooted cuttings

The length of time needed for cuttings to form roots differs greatly among plants. Check the cuttings occasionally by carefully removing a few from the medium. When a cutting has roots at least an inch long, transplant it into a separate container.

The move from high humidity and moist rooting conditions to lower humidity and drier soil is the most critical step in successfully growing new plants from cuttings. Give these young plants close attention the first few weeks after the move.

A good potting medium designed for houseplants can be found at local garden centers or mass merchandisers and will be suitable for potting newly rooted cuttings.

After a cutting has become established in the medium, apply a soluble houseplant fertilizer according to directions. Then fertilize at monthly intervals. When the cutting is growing vigorously, normally in spring and summer, fertilizer may be applied every two weeks.


Division is the easiest method of multiplying plants that naturally produce offsets or basal shoots. These new shoots usually have a few roots and can be separated and planted individually. Some plants suitable for division are listed in the table on this page.


Layering is a method of rooting a new plant while the stem is still attached to the parent plant. It is simple to perform and can be done in the home without special equipment or structures. Methods of layering include simple, tip, air and compound.

Air layering is the most suitable method for use on houseplants. It is convenient to do in the home and can be used with plants that would be difficult to root by any other method.

Mature wood, about one year old, is generally best for air layering. Old branches or immature wood often root poorly or not at all.

The air layer may be made at any point on a stem of proper maturity. On many plants a convenient location is 12 inches from the tip.

Air layering
  • Remove all leaves several inches on either side of the point where the layer is to be made.
  • From the center of the layering area, make a slanting cut upward an inch or more in length and about halfway through the branch. A preferred method of wounding is removing a strip of bark 1/2 to 1 inch wide around the branch (see Figure 7).
  • Apply a rooting hormone to the wounded surface or cut.
  • If a cut has been made, don’t let it heal back together. Insert a small piece of wood such as a toothpick in the cut to keep the wound open.
  • Take a handful of unmilled sphagnum moss that has been soaked in water and squeeze out excess water. Pack the moist sphagnum around the branch to cover the wound.
  • Cover the ball of moist moss with plastic wrap. An 8- by 10-inch sheet is generally large enough. Wrap it around the moss so that it overlaps and will not allow the moss to dry out. Clear plastic permits you to see when roots have developed.
  • Secure the plastic at each end with electrical tape, string, plant ties or other convenient fasteners. It will usually take a month or more before roots appear.
Compound layering

Compound layering is suitable for long vines that may be alternately covered and exposed. Wounds should be made on the lower portion of each curve.

After rooting, the branch can be cut into segments, each containing its own roots.

Care after rooting

Root systems of newly rooted layers are small in relation to the canopy. After they are severed from the parent plant and potted, the humidity must be kept high. Enclose them in a loose, clear plastic bag for the first week or until they are well established and do not wilt excessively.

Copyright 2000 University of Missouri. Published by
University Extension, University of Missouri-Columbia. UExtension

Types of Plant Cuttings

Filed under: Garden — Admin @ 14:31


Types of Plant Cuttings

Cuttings may be taken from stems, leaves or roots. Herbaceous stem cuttings, sometimes called slips, are commonly used. Popular plants, such as African violet and begonia, are propagated from leaf cuttings. A few plants may be propagated by cutting their long stems into segments. Others can be propagated by simple division.

Herbaceous stem cuttings. The type of stem cutting most suitable for propagating houseplants is the herbaceous cutting. It is made from tender growth of terminal shoots. Herbaceous cuttings are commonly used to propagate geranium, chrysanthemum or coleus (Figure 1). Cuttings taken from a rubber plant, dracaena or croton usually contain more woody tissue and are frequently called softwood cuttings. Techniques for taking and rooting are the same.

Leaf cuttings. Leaf cuttings include only a leaf blade or the blade and a portion of the petiole. Leaf cuttings of plants such as African violet should not be rooted with long petioles. Trim the petiole to no more than 1/2 inch in length.

If a small portion of the main plant stem containing a bud is included with the petiole, the cutting is known as a leaf-bud cutting. Their use is limited. Hydrangea and rubber plants are sometimes started by this method.

Plants from stem sections. A few houseplants may be propagated by cutting 1- to 2-inch sections from the stem. These segments, without leaves, are placed in the rooting medium in a horizontal position and covered slightly. The table below lists a few plants that may be propagated this way.

Propagation techniques for selected houseplants.

African violet
Cut petioles 1/2 inch long. Place potted leaf cuttings in plastic bag.

  • Leaf cutting
  • Division

Arrowhead (Nepthytis)
Cuttings may be rooted in water.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Compound layer
  • Division

Asparagus fern
Keep young divisions constantly moist.

  • Division

May be started from leaf sections placed on surface of rooting medium. Cleanliness important.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Leaf cutting

Use well-drained medium high in organic matter. Orchid growing mix useful.

  • Division

Cast iron plant
Provide good light after division.

  • Division

Chinese evergreen
May be rooted or grown in water.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Stem section

Christmas cactus
Keep moist, but avoid overwatering during rooting.

  • Herbaceous cutting

Cuttings from new shoots in early spring often make better garden plants than divisions.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Division

Root in water. Easiest of all.

  • Herbaceous cutting

Slow to root. Cover with plastic. Give good light.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Air layer

Subject to rot during rooting. Do not overwater. Keep clean.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Stem section
  • Air layer

Stem sections relatively slow.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Stem section
  • Air layer

English ivy
Easy to root. Sometimes slow starting.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Compound layer

Related to African violet. Tip cuttings grow faster than leaf cuttings.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Leaf cutting

Keep constantly moist after division.

  • Division

Root easily. Prefers a cool temperature after rooting.

  • Herbaceous cutting

Vigorous new shoots root most easily in midsummer.

  • Herbaceous cutting

Keep foliage dry during rooting.

  • Herbaceous cutting

May be grown from leaf cuttings.

  • Leaf cutting

Rooting hormones speed root production. Give bright light.

  • Herbaceous cutting

Tend to root best in spring or early summer.

  • Herbaceous cutting

Very easy. May be rooted in water.

  • Herbaceous cutting

Jade plant
Keep fairly dry during rooting. Must have well-drained medium, e.g., coarse sand.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Leaf cutting

Use vegetative shoots, not flowering shoots for best rooting.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Leaf cutting

Old, woody stems do not root as easily as more tender terminal shoots.

  • Herbaceous cutting

Maidenhair fern
Keep divisions constantly moist.

  • Division

Norfolk Island pine
Very slow. Use only terminal cutting.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Air layer

Many types. Provide high humidity and well-drained organic medium.

  • Division

Root easily. Avoid excess moisture during rooting.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Leaf cutting

May be rooted in water. Spring and early summer give quickest rooting.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Compound layer

Propagate in late August for home. Cleanliness important.

  • Herbaceous cutting

Will root in water. Spring and early summer propagation usually most successful.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Compound layer

Rubber plant
Keep humidity high during rooting, or use air layer.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Air layer

Needs high humidity and bright light. Slow rooting.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Air layer

Shrimp plant
Easy to root. Give good light.

  • Herbaceous cutting

Snake plant
Place leaf sections in same position they grew. Will not root upside down.

  • Leaf cutting
  • Division

Spider plant
Very easy to root runners. Pot directly in soil mixture.

  • Division
  • Leaf cutting

Wandering jew
Very easy. May be rooted in water.

  • Herbaceous cutting

Wax plant (Hoya)
Use leafy shoots, not long thin vines.

  • Herbaceous cutting
  • Compound layer

Zebra plant
Use nonflowering shoots. Give high humidity and good light.

  • Herbaceous cutting

Suggested tree pruning

Filed under: Tips on Growing Trees — Admin @ 13:22



Suggested Pruning
When pruning just about anything, including apple trees, here is a list of situations you always want to prune out.
A. Suckers
B. Stubs or broken branches
C. Downward-growing branches
D. Rubbing or criss-crossing branches
E. Upward growing interior branches
F. Competing leaders
G. Narrow crotches
H Whorls

Protecting apple trees from codling moth

Filed under: Tips on Growing Trees — Admin @ 13:09



Adults are gray-brown moths with wingspans of 3/4 inches long. Their wings have a fine coppery brown, wavy pattern, and the forewings are tipped with dark brown. Larvae are pinkish white with brown heads up to 3/4 inches long. Eggs are white disks. Codling moth is prevalent throughout North America.


Larvae over winter in thick cocoons under bark or nearby litter. They pupate in the spring, and adults emerge when apple trees flower. Females lay eggs on foliage and fruit, usually on the upper surface of leaves. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and larvae chew their way into the fruit core, usually from the blossom end. They feed for 3-5 weeks, then crawl down the tree to pupate. Codling moth can have 2-3 generations per year, 5-8 weeks apart.


Apples, crab apples, pear and occasionally other fruit. In many areas they can be the most damaging pest in apple and pear orchards.


The larvae ruin the fruit by tunneling to the core. An infested apple has a hole (usually near the blossom end) filled with dark masses of castings. Damage may not be obvious until you cut the fruit open.


Home Remedy:

  • 1 cup vinegar
  • 1/3 cup dark molasses
  • 1/8 tsp ammonia
  • 4 2/3 cup water

Cut a 2 to 3 inch (5.1-7.6 cm) hole into the top of an empty 1 gallon milk jug. Place 3 inches (7.6 cm) of the solution in the bottom of the jug. Hang several of these in the tree. This works well for apples pears and others.
Traditional Remedy:
In the late winter, scrape bark to remove cocoons; apply dormant oil sprays. Use sticky tree bands or bands of corrugated cardboard to trap larvae leaving the tree to pupate. Check for larvae and destroy daily. Diligent trapping of the first generation will considerably reduce second the generation. In large orchards, use pheromone traps to determine the main flight periods of moths; then time sprays to coincide with egg hatch or release Trichogramma parasitic wasps to attack eggs. You can also use pheromone twist-tie dispensers throughout the trees to confuse males and prevent mating. If used together with the tree bands, control can be achieved.

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